Day: February 19, 2020

Wild and Free | Annabelle + Ivy Wedding Photographer | Williamsburg

Wild and Free | Annabelle + Ivy Wedding Photographer | Williamsburg

It is Wedding Wednesday, folks.  Annnnnnd, OH BOY!!  I just love this shoot I’m about to share.  Part of being a traveling wedding photographer is having the opportunities to stretch my comfort zone way out, try on new ideas, locations, lighting, and client personalities.  For those of you that I have had the chance to […]

Your Inner Critic | Williamsburg Boudoir Photographer, Sarah Keenan

Your Inner Critic | Williamsburg Boudoir Photographer, Sarah Keenan knoxville boudoir photography sarah keenan westland farms

Hey there, ladies!  Touching on a topic today that is uber important to the depths of my being.  This one grinds waaaaay down in my soul.  It is important, because you are important.  We are important.  We are invaluable.  And, we often do not acknowledge the greatness that was gifted to us. The reason we […]