Day: June 23, 2020

Traditional Wedding Ceremony | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

Traditional Wedding Ceremony | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer best asheville wedding photographers knoxville sarah keenan westland farms studio wedding inspo engaged wedding tips planning

Hey Hey, Wedding Peeps! Tuesday brings me to my Tuesday Tip!  I love answering your questions.  And, if you’re planning a wedding I would love to help answer anything you may be curious of. This Week::  What is the Sequence of a Traditional Wedding Ceremony? No Two Weddings are Identical Whoohooo!  So, that’s great news.  […]

Props or No Props, That is One Question | Williamsburg Family Photographer

Props or No Props, That is One Question | Williamsburg Family Photographer best knoxville photographers family pictures sarah keenan westland farms studio botanical gardens

Heeelllooo, Friends and Happy Tuesday! My Family Portraits Tuesday’s Tip for this Week::  Keep the Use of Props Minimal and Realistic Minimal and Realistic Keeping the use of props as minimal and realistic as possible helps keep the focus of the images on the connection between people.  And, connection is what every good image is […]