Day: June 30, 2020

The Cardwell Family Mini | Williamsburg Mini Sessions

The Cardwell Family Mini | Williamsburg Mini Sessions

Heelllooo, Friends! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE mini sessions?  They are not always a perfect fit.  But, with little ones and spring flowers- they are almost always the perfect portrait sessions. Spring Portraits from this year were extra special.  Having been under COVID quarantine for sometime, everyone was busting at the seams to […]

Outfit Inspiration Guide | Williamsburg Family Portraits | What to Wear for Pictures

Outfit Inspiration Guide | Williamsburg Family Portraits | What to Wear for Pictures

Hi friends! And, welcome to my little heart project! 20 years and over 900 portraits session has taught me SO much! One of which is that “What should we wear?” is a recurring question that nearly every single client asks. And, it is a really important question! To help in the sorting process I have […]