Day: December 1, 2020

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Beyond Your Comfort Zone knoxville boudoir Photographer sarah keenan westland farms studio

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Think of the boudoir studio as a place for self-growth. Challenge yourself to reach beyond what’s safe, usual, and easy. Get a little wild, dare to be different, explore your needs for self-expression. Do so unapologetically. And then, once you capture what’s hidden […]

Tuesday Tip :: Photography Mentor | Photographers, Go Crazy

Tuesday Tip :: Photography Mentor | Photographers, Go Crazy best williamsburg virginia wedding photographer raising arrows studio

As a new photographer, I did what most of us do. I jumped in, willing to photograph just about anything for just about any amount of money. It ran me ragged, wore me out, and kept me crazy busy. Would I do it again? Absolutely!! I oftentimes hear the recommendation from established photographers to narrow […]

Tuesday Tip :: Wedding Planning | Remember to Breathe

Tuesday Tip :: Wedding Planning | Remember to Breathe

If you’re planning a wedding right now, I can only imagine how stressed you feel. We’re smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, we’re still battling a pandemic… phew. There is so much on your plate, friend! So make sure you’re taking time for you, too. Step back often, take lots of deep […]