Day: March 9, 2021

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Help Me Help You

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Help Me Help You

Friends!!  If you are reading this you are likely exploring the options of Boudoir Photography- a game-changer in the confidence department and a gift you will give to your yourself! If you’re even considering signing up for a boudoir shoot, I know you will want to look fierce and fabulous in any image we capture. […]

Tuesday Tip:: Photography Mentor | Seek Your Background

Tuesday Tip:: Photography Mentor | Seek Your Background

Happy Tuesday, Friends!! Today’s Tip took me a bit of messing up, editing out, and a little bit of pulling-out of hair before I made it priority. When you are in the heat of working with a client, there are SO many things to think about.  Many of those things become second nature over time […]

Tuesday Tip :: Wedding Planning | Take It All In

Tuesday Tip :: Wedding Planning | Take It All In best knoxville wedding photographer sarah keenan westland farms studio

Hi everyone and Happy Tuesday!! One quick thing before I jump into today’s Tuesday Tip:: Today is my Birthday!  Whoohoo!!  And, I am feeling the love! 🥰 I have a HUGE wedding special set to start Sunday at the Pink Bride Wedding Show. But, I think in celebration of my birthday I will launch it […]