Day: May 11, 2021

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Ditch Those Tags

Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Ditch Those Tags knoxville boudoir bridal gift idea sarah keenan westland farms studio the queen and the key

As you start deciding which outfits you want to bring along for your boudoir session, be sure to cut all the tags off them ahead of time! There’s nothing like a random peek of a little white list of laundry instructions to take your fierce images from bombshell to blah, am I right? Tackling those […]

Tuesday Tip: Williamsburg Photography Mentor | Open to Constructive Criticism

Tuesday Tip: Williamsburg Photography Mentor | Open to Constructive Criticism photography mentor knoxville sarah keenan

This is a tricky topic, right?  It is tricky because there IS a difference between criticism and constructive criticism.  But, it is super easy to fall into the habit of listening to and consuming both…. = unhealthy. Here is a thought as we continually grow our skill set and businesses:: As challenging as it might […]