Wiiliamsburg Boudoir Photographer: 5 Things You Can Do to Have a Fierce Boudoir Shoot

Hi friends!

If you’re planning for an upcoming boudoir shoot, I’d be willing to bet that you’ve Google searched for tips on how to prepare for your big day. And while carefully curating your ensembles and keeping your skin hydrated are certainly important physical pieces of the puzzle, I want to offer you a different kind of boudoir checklist today.

knoxville boudoir photographer sarah keenan westland farms studio

For a moment, let’s focus on the to-do list for what’s sitting in between your ears. Yes, beauties, I’m talking about those busy brains of yours. Here are my top five pieces of advice for mentally preparing for your boudoir photoshoot, arriving with an empowering mindset, and maintaining it from start to finish.

1. Talk with me ahead of the shoot.

First things first, we can lay the groundwork for the boudoir session of your dreams much easier if we connect before the day of the shoot itself! Be sure to schedule a FaceTime or phone call with me a couple of weeks ahead of the big day so we can discuss your vision and identify specific sets we might want to use. You can also use this time to ask me any questions you may have about outfits, etiquette, and whatever else may be on your mind so you can feel totally comfortable and confident with our plan.

2. Focus on what you love most about your body.

We are our toughest critics, right? Well, let’s use boudoir as an opportunity to flip that inner dialogue upside down and spotlight your favorite features and attributes instead. Take some time ahead of the session to stand in front of a mirror and compliment yourself on what you see that makes you feel beautiful. Even better, directly share these thoughts with me in the studio before I start shooting so I can be sure to help you show off what you love most with artful posing and lighting. Trust me, it’s so much more fun and empowering to highlight your favorites in your images than hide what you consider to be your imperfections.

3. Draw inspiration from a sexy icon or two.

Similar to how an actor has to take a moment to get into character, it can sometimes be helpful to identify real examples of what you define as “fierce” to channel that similar energy in yourself and at your shoot. From Marylin Monroe to Beyonce, It doesn’t matter who you find most stunning. All that matters is that the visual helps you reach the powerful energy you already have inside yourself and let it show when the camera lens is on you.

4. Pick a powerful mantra — and use it.

Some folks are more empowered by words than by images. If you’re one of them, great! Turn to your favorite quotes for a little mantra inspiration on your boudoir day. Not sure where to start? Try something short and simple that you can easily repeat in your mind (or aloud) as we work: “Today is my day.” “See me shine.” “I am magical.” You get the idea! Focus on self-love and self-confidence, and you’ll feel fabulous before you know it.

5. Be your amazing yourself!

Your images are a true reflection of the energy you hold within yourself, so share that! There’s no need to be someone else’s version of sexy or do anything that feels disingenuous to who you are as a person. If anything, be bold with your personality and unique character traits so we can capture them in all their glory. This shoot is about honoring the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual beauty you possess. That is what makes it fierce.

Be Fierce, friends. 🖤

With Grit & Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Boudoir Studio Knoxville
Westland Farms Studio
The Queen and the Key

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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