Williamsburg Boudoir Photographer: How Does Couples Boudoir Work?

Hi friends!

A few of you have noticed recently that I offer couples boudoir photography and inquired as to what those sessions look like and how they might differ from a solo boudoir shoot. Well, ask and you shall receive! I’m more than happy to break down how couples boudoir photography works, as well as dispel any myths regarding what you should and shouldn’t expect if you sign up for one.

Knoxville boudoir photographer sarah keenan couples session

How does couples boudoir work?

Typically, couples who are interested in a boudoir session approach me together (or are at least on the same page about the session before one of them contacts me). I think this shared level of comfort with the idea is super important because that’s what’s going to make the experience really fun!

After we connect and discuss the couple’s style and creative inspiration, we pick a date and a set, and they work together to gather any outfits, accessories, and props they’ll want to use for the photoshoot. Sometimes, preparing together makes the couple all the more comfortable by the time they arrive on set because they’ve already built a cohesive vision. All that’s left is the excitement of getting to take breathtaking photos with your favorite person!

Before the shoot, you can be primped and pampered in the same ways you would for a solo booking, and I direct the styling and posing in the shoot just like I would with an individual — professionally and comfortably. I also take feedback while I work! If there are particular scenes the couple really wants to create, I’m more than happy to listen and capture those images for them.

Once the shoot is complete, I edit the photographs and present the collection digitally (but securely!) for the couple to view together. From there, they can decide how they want to use their special boudoir photos.

Why do some couples love boudoir?

If you’ve ever done your own boudoir photoshoot, you know how powerful it is to have these stunning images of yourself where time stands still. They encapsulate everything about yourself that you love, and you can look back on them for decades to come with appreciation for your beauty — both inside and out.

Well, the same goes for couples boudoir! Years down the road in your relationship, you can look back on this album and see the beauty of your love for one another and how that remains intact no matter your age or stage of life. It’s also a healthy reminder of your best selves together when life gets tough.

Couples boudoir is an excellent activity for commemorating major milestones, including (but not limited to) anniversaries, birthdays, becoming parents, and making big changes in life.

Is it super… risqué?

Not necessarily! Just like with any other photoshoot, you and your partner get to determine the kind of session you want to have. You can keep things light and playful or veer toward a more intimate or dramatic feel. You can show all the skin or keep all clothes on. Whenever your connection takes you naturally and comfortably, my camera lens can follow.

My partner still needs some convincing… can you help?

As I mentioned before, it really is ideal for the couple to come to me already unified in their decision to try boudoir together. If one person is particularly wary or uncomfortable, asking the photographer to drive home why boudoir is such an amazing experience may only push them further away (and even cause some friction in the relationship). I’m always happy to talk about boudoir, but I’m not one to talk others into trying boudoir. And trust me — we’re better off keeping things light and fun than aggressive and awkward!

What do you think? Could you see you and your partner giving couples boudoir photography a try?

Be Fierce.
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Boudoir Studio Knoxville
The Queen and The Key

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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