Tuesday Tip:: Photography Mentor | Make & Honor Industry Relationships

best knoxville wedding photographer sarah keenan westland farms studioShooting at a location that I’ve never shot at is always an adventure. Some kind of an emotional roller coaster 🎢

I love the challenges of adventuring new locations, cool lighting, and glorious views. But, the nerves can be tempting.

This amazing Valentine’s Day session was shot at the Noelle in Downtown Nashville. It was a first for me… but, I think we nailed it. You know why?? Do you know how??

>> Industry Relationships<<
Tuesday Tip for Photographers:: Make and Honor Industry Relationships

Here is a real life truth- No matter how many years of experience you have, no matter how many weddings or families or commercial shoots you have shot nothing will be a bigger asset than relationships in your industry.

Know your florists, venue directors, planners, hair and make-up professionals, DJ’s, videographers, bridal shop owners, cake makers, calligraphers, designers…And, OTHER photographers & videographers! And, know them well. These relationships will open doors to locations, perspective, and ideas that you never knew possible. And, these folks will play back-up when you need a little extra help or advice.

We’ve Got This!
Sarah Keenan, Photographer

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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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