Tuesday Tip :: Boudoir Photography | Say ‘Yes’ to New Adventures

Friends!!  Happy Tuesday!!

If you are reading this you are likely exploring the options of Boudoir Photography- a game-changer in the confidence department and a gift you will give to your yourself!

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This one goes out to all the beautiful people who tend to feel anxiety before excitement, who turn to pro and con lists before making a big decision, and who tend to overanalyze new opportunities rather than just jumping right in. Today, I want to tempt you to just say “yes” to your next adventure on the horizon. Instead of overthinking it, trust yourself and your intuition. Choose to be fierce first and see where it leads you. I’m confident that you’ll end up pleasantly surprised and come to appreciate what you find in this uncharted territory. 🖤

Be Fierce, Friends.  Be Fierce.
Sarah Keenan, Boudoir Photographer

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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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