Williamsburg Boudoir Pre-Session Checklist | Annabelle + Ivy, Williamsburg Photographer

Hey Ladies!

You’ve scheduled a Boudoir Photography Session.  We’ve set a date, selected a location, and discussed clothing options.  Whoohoo!

So, here is a short and simple check list of a few things to keep in mind as we inch closer to our time together.

knoxville boudoir photographer sarah keenan westland farms studio

Hair and Make-up
If you have elected to have your hair and makeup services will be provided for you please do not apply any of your own makeup prior to your session or anything else such as sunscreen or lip gloss.  Make certain your face is clean so my makeup artist has a clean canvas. Also, hair should be clean and dry, with no products in it, so it is ready to be styled when you arrive.

What to Wear To Your Boudoir Photography Session
Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes.  I really cannot emphasize this enough.  Besides the fact that loose fitting clothes are more comfortable to wear while you are getting made over, they will not leave lines on your skin. Please do not wear a bra or tight fitting underwear or pants.

I will provide water, a vegetable tray, and a few other light items for you to snack on throughout your session. But, feel free to bring some other snacks if you’d like something different.

Champagne, Wine etc.
Over 21 years of age?  Please feel free to bring wine or champagne to your session.

Staying Comfortable and Warm
I always encourage my clients to bring a robe or a blanket to wrap up in between sets. Slippers aren’t a bad idea either if you have them. Goosebumps are impossible to edit out of your boudoir photos without destroying the skin texture, so it’s important we keep you warm for your session.

Boudoir Outfits
Bring all of the outfits you think you might want to be photographed in. We will probably get to roughly 3-5 of outfits throughout the day. More choice is always a good thing though so bring more than you think you will need. This includes shoes, accessories, scarves, your significant other’s shirt etc. I will also provide a couple scarves and fabric pieces which we can use during your boudoir session as well.

Clear your schedule
Do not plan anything for the entire day of your session. Your boudoir session may go as long as 2-3hrs with an additional 1 1/2 – 2 hrs for your makeover. If you have evening plans, keep this in mind and account for travel time from the photoshoot location.

Drink plenty of water the day before your session. You will be posed to look amazing the day of your session and this can be harder work than many anticipate. Staying hydrated helps.

Please arrive on time for your session!
My hair and makeup artists are busy people and often schedule multiple sessions per day. Please be respectful of their time and arrive promptly to help them stay on schedule.

Outdoor Boudoir
If we are planning to do any portion of your boudoir session outdoors make sure and bring comfortable shoes to walk in. Some locations we shoot at require light to moderate hiking so make sure and bring the appropriate shoes.

Boudoir Album
If you are choosing to have your final artwork printed as an album, make sure and bring some clothes you’d like to be photographed in for your beginning set. Evening dresses, skirts or even a  great fitting pair of jeans and blouse are all good choices for your beginning set. Remember that your album is going to be designed to tell a story, and working out of these clothes will help tell that story.

We will chat the day before your boudoir session to follow up and see if you have any last minute questions before your shoot. But, please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions ahead of time.

I think most often this goes without saying.  But, bring your smile.  This time together will be fun and exciting.  I plan to share lots of guidance and many laughs.  I laugh at myself a lot and have the best times having the best time 💕  I am very  much looking forward to working with you.

Please be in touch if you have any other questions!
Sarah Keenan, Knoxville Boudoir Photographer
Westland Farms Studio

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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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