Annabelle + Ivy Studios | Messy Hair Co.

Hi Friends!
First, I am so grateful that you have taken the time to drop by and visit for a few.  I don’t have to tell you how busy life is and how cherished every moment of “you” time is.  I live it.  I get it.  I LOVE it.
And, that is why I have founded the Messy Hair Company.

It takes a lot to run a business, a home, raise children, be a connected spouse, maintain good mental health, take care of your body and on and on and on…

It takes a lot to exist as a woman these days.  Sometimes more than we have to give.  And, this is why having a tribe that gets it is soooooo important.  And why heading into your day with a smile on your face, but messy hair is entirely ok.

So, breath, grab a cup of coffee, and join me for a two minute read.
Each Monday I will jump in here for a quick lift or to share what’s going on.  Over time I hope to grow this network to podcasts, guest speakers, leaders in business and home, and motivation for each of us that are wearing the many hats of women in 2023.
For today, a few thoughts inspired by my 9 year old daughter::

Over used quote: “She said She Could, So She Did.”
We have heard it 1000 times! But, has it really meant something when you heard it?

For me, no- not really.
I suppose I never really looked at life that way. I just acted in the way that I saw best, made movement in the directions that I or my family needed to go, then pivoted and made movement in a different direction when my original path was no longer working.

Is that right or wrong? 🤷🏼‍♀️
I am certainly no judge.

But, I do know this. Life is rarely what we expect of it.
But, exactly what is intended for your purpose.
What??! YES!

I believe that you have a fierceness about you, a light that burns that is only yours. And, this light is not only your privilege to share, but your duty to spread. Some lights are softly fierce, quiet, calm. Others are bold, loud, bright. But, they are all brave and a necessary piece of the human cloth. Without each strand of light we are missing something.

I believe that not one of us was born to be mediocre. I believe that our life is made up of our choices. I believe that we cannot control our surroundings at all times. But, I also believe that we 100% control how we both perceive and respond to our surroundings.

I have messed up in life. I imagine you have, too. But, as Maya Angelou said- “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

My daughter came to me this past week with the quote I mentioned at the top of this post. She is 9 and had never heard this quote before. To her it meant something. In her words, “Mom, it is like you always say- If we set our minds and heart to do something good using our light, we can do it.”

She created a charm with that quote that she now wears on a necklace. And, I will never read that quote quite the same again. 🤍 Use your light. Remind yourself what you are capable of. And, pursue it fiercely.

You’ve Go This.  Messes and All.
Annabelle + Ivy Studio
Messy Hair Co.


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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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