Veteran’s Day | Honoring All Who Served | November 11, 2018

Veteran’s Day.

I’m always curious the image those words draw-up in the heads of those who hear it.  Certainly not the same image as many other days throughout the year that our country celebrates.  Yes, some offices are closed, we don’t receive mail, and some trash services don’t operate.  But, I think, for most of us- the day goes on as usual.  (Yes, I do realize that Veterans Day was yesterday, on Sunday.  But, we honor the federal holiday today…on Monday).

Our kids still went to school today.  I’m working and so is Joe. We have swim this afternoon.  I will head to the grocery store in a bit.  There will be homework, then dinner around our dinner table before some family time, baths/showers, downtime, and bed.  A totally, 100% typical Monday for our crew.  And, we are lucky to have it.  And, we have these typical days filled with work, income, education, sports, food, family, culture, and safe rest, in-huge-part, because of our Veterans.

Backing-up to my second sentence ^^.  I asked my kids what they thought of when they heard the term “Veterans Day.”  Their responses:

Flags, Old People, Military, War. I don’t know, really.

OK… So, not tooooo shabby.  I thought that was pretty good, considering that Joe and I have never really made it a point to chat with our kids about the meaning behind the day that we honor all of those whom have served our Country.  {{ #parentfail }}

What I would like my children (and, yours, for that matter) to think of is: Freedom, Faith, Commitment, Hope, Country, Brotherhood

–I mean seriously…I would not DARE make a political statement socially these days {SO- LOOK OUT…HERE IT COMES}.–

Somehow we’ve gotten waaaay off track as human beings in our ability to talk with one another.  And, it isn’t any specific leader’s fault.  It isn’t our schools.  It isn’t our churches.  It isn’t the media.  And, you know why it isn’t any of those things?  Because, we are bigger and smarter than anything anyone wants to tell us that isn’t true.

Let me say that again…

It isn’t any specific leader’s fault.  It isn’t our schools.  It isn’t our churches.  It isn’t the media.  And, you know why it isn’t any of those things?  Because, we are bigger and smarter than anything anyone wants to tell us that isn’t true.

We adopt our own principles…our own beliefs.  So, here is the bottom line… It’s us.  It’s you.  It’s me.  It’s your neighbor and mine.  It is our parents, our spouses, our very best friends.  Political stance aside, our biggest danger is our loss of community, communication, and respect.

We all have every Right to believe in what we believe in so long as it is accompanied by respect.  And, as we say in our house- No If’s-And’s-or But’s!

And, we have that Right- the Right to Respectful Differences-because of our Veterans.

Joe and I both come from a long line of Military family: our Grandfathers, Fathers, Uncles, Nephews, and our late Son all served. Collectively 100s of years in Guam, Philippines, Germany, Japan, Europe, Vietnam, and all over the United States.  These men (and, sometimes boys, in my opinion) dedicated their lives and careers to our Country…And, some still are.  It is a duty not taken lightly.  But, too often not acknowledged.

So, tonight’s dinner conversation at the Keenan home will be a little more educational than other family dinner conversation.  Ha!  And, maybe by telling the stories of our family, your family, your neighbor’s family…we will raise a generation of adults that are focused on Community, Freedom, Faith, Commitment, Hope, Country, and Brotherhood simply because it is the respectful way to live and communicate.  The communication of history and understanding is what will propagate respect and diminish hate.  Because when there is understanding of history and our being, it is much easier to feel lucky for our 100% typical day.

Thank you to All Who Have and Are Serving.

Remember that living fearlessly takes practice.  But, together, we’ve got this!

Sarah Keenan, Coordinator of Chaos | Photographer | Designer

Westland Farms Studio
Sarah Keenan Creative
Boudoir Studio Knoxville
Bringin' the Booth 
Photo Gypsy International



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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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