Weddings: 5 Questions to Ask As You Start Planning Your Honeymoon | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

Hi friends!

I know we spend a lot of time talking about all of the intricate details required to make your dream wedding a reality, but today I thought it would be fun to veer toward some post-nuptials planning: your honeymoon!!

As our ways of living — and abilities to travel — continue to change, more and more couples are feeling excited again by the prospect of an intimate getaway shortly after saying, “I do.” And there are so many beautiful ways to approach the honeymooning tradition! But before you dive in, it can be incredibly helpful to kick off the planning process with the following questions.

1. What kind of traveler are you and your fiancé?

Do you guys love the royal treatment of a luxury resort or prefer the personal, unique touches of a bed and breakfast? Are you all about lounging in the sun on a beach or hiking along unknown terrain in a foreign country? More importantly, do you both like and enjoy the same things, or will a little bit of compromising be involved?

Even for the big adventurers of the bunch, it’s recommended that you leave a little room for true relaxation and quality time on your honeymoon. After all, it’s not a cool vacation or big trip — it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to really connect with your partner at the beginning of your marriage and make memories that’ll last for years to come.

2. What are a few destination interests you both share?

Travel is a very personal experience, especially right now. While you might typically dream of breathtaking international destinations, keeping things more local with a drivable destination might feel more comfortable right now. Either way, what are those places on your must-travel lists?

Sit down for a brainstorm or two together, and make a top 10 list of destinations to research further. Narrowing your scope a bit up front can make the planning process feel a lot less daunting and a lot more exciting.

3. Are there any must-do’s on your honeymoon list?

Have you always dreamt of going scuba diving for the first time on your honeymoon? Or do those romantic candlelit dinners for two make your heart sing? What about a fancy couples massage or a private cooking class?

Regardless of your style, think about the types of activities you most definitely would want to try while away on your honeymoon. Taking your vision this step further can help you pair must-do’s with the best locations for them, as well as see which activities spark the most joy for your partner. And if possible, planning a few of these special experiences during your time away will help you make even more amazing, unforgettable memories.

4. What does your budget look like?

One of your first steps in successful honeymoon planning is determining your budget for the trip — both time- and money-wise. That way, you don’t end up planning a two-week island-hopping getaway when you only have a week away from work or setting up an out-of-this-world itinerary with a price tag to match.

Keeping things grounded up front sets realistic expectations and clear parameters for you in designing a honeymoon that will check all the boxes for both you and your partner. It’ll also keep financial stress off the table, making your time away all the more enjoyable!

5. When do you want to go?

Do you envision leaving shortly after your wedding reception? Would you rather have a few days (or weeks) to decompress from all the excitement before packing your bags for a new adventure? Or do you want to wait even longer for an ideal travel season or easier budgeting?

There really is no wrong time to take your honeymoon! Just make sure you and your fiancé are on the same page with your plan. And for what it’s worth, many wedding experts recommend waiting at least a few days after your wedding just so you can get a little rest before kicking off your next big adventure.

What other details are you considering as you start planning your honeymoon? Share with me and your fellow spouses-to-be in the comments below!

Happy Wedding Planning!
Sarah Keenan, Wedding Photographer
Home Studios: Knoxville + Nashville
Destination Weddings: Outer Banks + Williamsburg

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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