Weddings: Do You Have a Weather Plan for Your Wedding? | Wiiliamsburg Wedding Photographer

Hi friends!

For those of you deep in the wedding planning process right now, can I just say how much I empathize with you? On a normal day, weddings already require catering to countless details and coming up with a bunch of back-up and contingency plans, both big and small. And adding a global pandemic to the mix? Sheesh! It’s tough.

Meanwhile, some planning challenges never really change, such as predicting what Mother Nature has in store for you, your partner, your guests, and your vendors on your big day. But the good news is that planning for unsavory or unexpected weather really doesn’t have to be a headache. Let’s talk through some of the details here to set your mind at ease — and maybe even spark your imagination a bit!

Your Venue

Obviously, if you’ve decided on an indoor wedding, your job is pretty easy here. Few things will need to change if it gets particularly rainy and windy outside those beautifully decorated walls.

With that said, outdoor venues are incredibly popular for weddings these days, meaning you more than likely need to create a weather plan with the team at your chosen locale. Ask them if there’s a structure on the property that they would let you use if a downpour occurred. If not, suggest a tent and see if that can be included in part of your overall reservation. Regardless of how these conversations go, it’s ideal to walk away knowing that there are plans in place to keep you and your guests from getting totally drenched.

Your Ceremony Space

Protecting your big party space from the elements is always a safe choice, but what about your ceremony? If you have your heart set on a particular outdoor scape, and the ceremony itself only lasts about 15 minutes or so, can you make it work in the rain? If so, just plan accordingly!

Provide umbrellas at each guest’s seat (and budget to do so), determine what you and your partner would like overhead as you say “I do,” and consider arranging a pretty basket of towels at the entrance to your reception so your guests can feel mostly dry and comfortable before sitting down to dinner or hitting the dance floor. It’s also worth discussing rain plans with your hair and makeup artist during your trial, as there are certain styles and products that hold up better to humid elements.

Embracing the Rain

At the end of the day, a little bit of rain is actually quite lovely at a wedding! It creates beautiful light for truly romantic photography, and there’s just something so fun and whimsical about adding a pair of bubble umbrellas to your scene. It also automatically gives guests something to talk about, breaking the ice and getting everyone comfortable with one another for the celebration ahead. It’s even good luck, according to long-believed wedding superstitions!

Sure, there are a few more logistics to work out when things get a little soggy, but all in all, it’s really not something to fret about too much. Just make your plans ahead of time so you know you’ll be happy with the outcome either way. And remember that I am here to support you and your wedding photography dreams no matter what! 🤗

Happy Wedding Planning!
With Grit & Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Photographer

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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