Weddings: Should I Elope? | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

I have a question for all of you lovely couples out there currently working on your wedding plans. When all the logistics start to feel overwhelming, do you ever just stop and mutter to yourself, “Sheesh, we should just elope”? If so, you are not alone! That response to pre-wedding stress is completely normal… and for some couples, it might actually be a great idea.

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Eloping: An Emerging Wedding Trend

Back in the day, eloping was considered by many to be a pretty taboo way to tie the knot. However, the wedding industry has turned that belief on its head over the years, transforming the idea of eloping into a full on trend worth considering in lieu of an elaborate celebration. There are so many positive reasons why a couple may choose to elope. Here are a few of the most common ones.

It keeps the wedding centered around their love for one another — not entertaining guests.

Elopements make for some of the most intimate wedding ceremonies because they focus so clearly on the couple and their desire to spend the rest of their lives together. They create a safe space in which they can share personalized vows, honor traditions they care about, and skip the family-enforced ones that they don’t. It’s all about them — and in the best way.

It’s budget-friendly, helping the couple save for other important milestones.

Couples who are floating the majority (or all) of their wedding costs can feel some serious financial strain in planning these festivities. An elopement provides a way for them to genuinely enjoy a beautiful celebration of their love that fits their budget much more comfortably. It also helps them continue making progress toward other big goals like buying a home together or saving for a future family.

They make for epic photographs (and even more amazing memories).

Eloping couples often pick breathtaking destinations that are only easily accessible by a small number of people — them, an officiant, a photographer, and maybe a friend or two. Distance traveled isn’t really important here. The perfect place can be close to home or across the country. Either way, these special moments become even more special when you can include some of Mother Nature’s most beautiful scapes!

Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too

Lots of couples think that if they choose to elope, then they lose the opportunity to celebrate their marriage with their loved ones. On the contrary, you can still have a party when you get home! Big or small, fancy or casual, all the details are up to you. But you can most certainly throw a “belated reception,” sharing photographs of your big day with everyone, along with your favorite memories of that unique experience with your partner. The rule here is that there are no rules. Celebrate your love unapologetically in any way that feels right to you!

Of course, eloping is not for everyone. But for those seriously eyeing it as an option, don’t toss it to the side too quickly! Spend some time with your partner discussing what feels most important to each of you in celebrating your marriage, and create a vision based on that priority list. If eloping looks like the best fit, go for it! And be sure to book a great photographer (🙋‍♀️) to capture that special day in all its glory.
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Happy Wedding Planning!
With Grit & Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Westland Farms Studio, Knoxville
Asheville, Nashville, Chattanooga

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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