Williamsburg Boudoir Photographer: How Do Quick-Change Outfits Work?

Hi friends!

Lately, I’ve spent more time posting about the uniqueness of boudoir photography and just how powerful the experience can be for people of all ages, backgrounds, and personalities. I would shout it from every rooftop if I could because it’s so incredibly true. But you know what else can be unique about boudoir? The lingo!

Yes, we photographers have a glossary all our own when it comes to our craft, and boudoir is no exception. So, I want to take a moment to offer a little clarification regarding how my boudoir outfit styling works.

You’ve probably seen me list “quick-change outfit” as part of a boudoir package description, especially for my mini sessions. But what exactly is a “quick-change outfit”?
sarah keenan boudoir studio knoxville the queen and the key

Quick-Change Outfits 101

Well, say you’ve selected a set of lingerie as one of your boudoir shoot outfits. Making a “quick change” to this outfit could mean adding a men’s shirt, sports jersey, sharp blazer, playful sweater, or cozy robe on top of the lingerie. It’s a simple add-on that takes less than five seconds to incorporate and still gives you a fresh look in your image collection. (And you aren’t limited to those specific items I just listed. If you have another add-on in mind, bring it!)

Quick-change outfits play a big role in mini boudoir sessions because, well, our time is a little limited. But these fun accessories ensure that your photographs cover all the ground you’d hope for — and then some — without the full session price tag.

Now, some boudoir beauties really want to take the time to shoot in multiple lingerie ensembles, or outfits that require a little more assembly and adjustment time in a dressing room. I also welcome this expansiveness in my full shoots! In these sessions, you can let your creativity run wild, combining quick-change outfits with several curated looks and even tailoring your expressed mood and energy to those different styles. The options are literally endless!

No matter which boudoir package suits you personally and financially, know that I am always going to work with you to give you the boudoir images of your dreams. I hope this terminology clarification helps you better imagine what you want from your boudoir session, as well as what to expect from different types of sessions. If you ask me, it’s never a bad idea to bring a handful of these quick-change outfits so we can see where our time together takes us!

Be Fierce, Friends.
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Boudoir Studio Knoxville
The Queen and The Key

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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