Williamsburg Boudoir Photographer: Calming Your Nerves

Hi friends! 

Today I want to talk about that little voice in the back of your head that has either kept you from booking a boudoir session in the past or has you questioning your decision now that you’ve already planned your photoshoot. That little voice has many names for different people, but, in my experience, it all comes down to feeling a jumble of nerves as you explore an intimate, and vulnerable side of yourself with an (almost) complete stranger.

Luckily, I have a few strategies in my back pocket for helping you wade through that anxiety and put your most confident foot forward in front of that camera lens. Below are five of my favorites.

Knoxville boudoir photographer sarah keenan westland farms studio, boudoir tips,

Shake it out.

This exercise is one of the best to use at the very beginning of a shoot when you’re feeling your most hesitant. Simply drop your arms by your sides, bend your knees a little, and literally shake each of your limbs, your head, your booty, every part of your body that needs to release that nervous energy! You can even make some noise as you move — whatever works for you to physically let go of what’s holding you back so only your best self is left behind and ready to strike a pose.

Pose like Superwoman.

Speaking of poses, have you ever heard of “power poses”? Professionals from all industries use them before giving big speeches and presentations to help them channel their inner strength and drown out their self-doubt. And you know what? They work just as well before taking tasteful photos in lacy lingerie! Once you’ve changed into your first outfit, before you step out into the set from your dressing area, make your hands into fists, place them on your hips, puff out your chest, and pose for yourself in the mirror for a minute. See your superpower come alive right there, and hold on to it!

Curate a pump-up playlist.

If you’re someone who is motivated by music, by all means, bring it to your session! Get out of your own head a little by singing the lyrics to your favorite song or putting on a tune that makes your body start swaying no matter how nervous you may feel. The rhythm and the mood that music can add to a photoshoot is truly magical, and I always welcome it! 

Bring your BFF.

Is camaraderie more of your comfort zone? Invite a dear friend along for some moral support. By validating your outfit choices, making you laugh when you feel the anxiety creeping in, and encouraging you to just be your wonderful self, a friend can be the perfect remedy to a major case of nerves.

Do a little deep breathing. 

If you tend to go inward during your more stressful moments, that’s beautiful, too. Sometimes, there’s nothing like a little meditative breathing to bring you into the present moment and experience it for all that it’s worth. Just before your shoot begins, it’s totally okay to request a couple of minutes of peace and quiet as you collect yourself and your thoughts, feel each inhale and exhale your body takes, and set a little intention for how you want your boudoir experience to go.

Do you have any nerve-busting strategies you swear by? Share them with your fellow boudoir beauties in the comments below so we can all get as much out of these powerful sessions as possible!

With Grit & Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Boudoir Studio Knoxville
Westland Farms Studio


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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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