Williamsburg Boudoir Photography | Quiet Confidence

a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
“she’s brimming with confidence”

My home is full of girls.  Four female children, female pups, and our neighborhood has only two boys living nearby.  My children participate in competitive gymnastics, softball, and all things girly…such as nail painting, hair braids, clothing trends, and barbies.  So when Alexa begins to play Demi Lavato’s Confident, it rarely fails that someone doesn’t ask her to crank up the volume to the loudest setting.  This song somehow performs magic in my home, turning away all fear of mockery as everyone busts out their best dance moves.

I tend to dance along for a bit.  But, oftentimes step back in awe of these young ladies and their clear path to self-assurance.  They may not see it, at least not the way I do.  But, the confidence is there.  It just has a quiet presence.  Many times, I am left in speechless awe.

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My boudoir photography clients are much the same.  Many women enter their time with me anxious and uncertain.  But, as we unwrap our time together I begin to see their unique, flawless human-being.  I get to “dance” with them a little bit, without fear of mockery.  And, I am always left in awe of their quiet confidence.  Always.

As women we have unique qualities of both softness and strength.  We are both caregivers and protectors.  We are both fierce and welcoming.  We are powerful lovers.  We are emotional and physical.  We are doers and comforters.  We are women.  And that, in itself, is something to give confidence to.  Not attitude.  Not arrogance.  Confidence.

I’ve got you when it comes to posing and lighting that will leave you with brag-worthy boudoir images.  All you have to do is bring your perfectly female, quietly confident self.  And, don’t be surprised if I bust out a little Demi Lavato while you’re here.
I’m excited to honor you.

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Be Fierce, Friends.
Sarah Keenan, Boudoir Photographer
The Queen and The Key
Boudoir Studio Knoxville



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meet sarah


I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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