Weddings: New Year Resolutions for Brides-to-Be | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

Hi friends!

Can you believe the new year starts in just a matter of days?! Most of us have been ready for this reset button for months now… but, you know, I do my best to remain a glass-half-full kind of person even in the wake of serious stress and challenges. So, instead of ruminating over how relieved we will be when this crazy year comes to an end, let’s dedicate a little more energy to what we’re most looking forward to in 2021 and how we plan to tackle it.

Peering into the 12 months ahead of us, many engaged couples are excitedly awaiting their rescheduled nuptials or even planning their dream wedding for the first time (lucky ducks!). And while the outlook is increasingly hopeful, it’s still a challenging task to plan anything when so many important factors are still unknown. With that in mind, I thought I’d share a handful of New Year resolution ideas for the beautiful souls out there who are ready to say, “I do,” but worried about what 2021 will ultimately bring. Consider them anchor points that will help love, calm, and joy prevail over frustration, stress, and disappointment. 

“I will enjoy being engaged.”

Once the initial excitement of your engagement wanes a bit, it can be really easy to feel the need to rush toward the aisle to achieve the next major milestone in your relationship. However, this in-between period is one to be cherished! Take the time to plan a beautiful engagement photoshoot so you can look back on this time as its own step in your lifelong journey together. Discuss both the big and little things that will all come to matter a great deal as you combine your lives into one. Simply embrace being a fiancé — and having one!

“I will enjoy quality time with my partner.”

During wedding planning, many couples get sucked into logistics-only conversations, decoration debates, and seating chart disagreements. So if the state of the world forces you to slow down a bit, consider it a blessing and a chance to spend time with your future spouse in ways you actually enjoy! Reinstate a consistent date night on the calendar, even if it simply means upgrading your takeout order and renting a new movie you’ve both been wanting to watch. Enjoy slow weekend mornings together, go for strolls outside (pets included, if you have them), talk about your hopes and dreams over a glass of wine. However it feels right for you to tune in and be present, do that. 

“I will control what I can and let go of the rest.”

This is a tough but important one. During these times, it’s especially important to learn how to decipher between what is really up to you and what relies on the movements of the rest of the world. In regards to wedding planning, you can absolutely pick your team of vendors and even shop for your dream gown. You can create your reception menus, pick some must-play songs for your musicians, and learn to dance in your living room with some help from YouTube videos. But there are things that, unfortunately, won’t be up to you, like the state of the pandemic on your chosen wedding date, or how many guests end up RSVPing “yes,” or whether pours rain for your outdoor ceremony. By enjoying momentum when you have it and remaining flexible when needed, your wedding (and the rest of your life, honestly) will prove far less stressful and way more enjoyable.

“I will let love and gratitude win — always.”

Wow, this one feels almost more like a mantra than a resolution to me! And, I really do think it speaks for itself. When you move through your world with intention and lift up what makes you and those around you feel good, you really can’t lose. Keep this mindset strong, and you are bound for a beautiful year, my friends.

With Grit and Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Photographer
Westland Farms Studio

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I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is dance.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my crew, including our German Shepherd, Gaia.   

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